About Stonerolled Publishing:

Stonerolled Publishing was started by Daniel and Charlene Carpenter as a way to self-publish comic books and other fun stuff.

For now, we are working on the comic books, “Irth” and “Snowball’s Chance in Hell” written by Daniel Carpenter, as well as a boardgame called, “Oh, Split!!!

Our goal is to produce quality products that people enjoy.

The name Stonerolled was taken from the biblical story of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus. While Jesus performed the miracle, he required the people to do some work and roll away the stone! We can’t always just expect miracles to happen to us without putting in some hard work ourselves! Get out there and roll some stones!

About Daniel:

Charlene and I are married and we have three daughters, one grandson, a Siberian Husky named Cody, and a Maine Coon cat named Bear. I worked in law enforcement for 28 years, but I’ve been drawing and writing stories since the 8th grade, and now, at 50+ years old, I’m finally following my dream of creating my very own comic books!